Monday, July 30, 2012

Blueberry Popovers

Generally on Saturday or Sunday morning I get up feeling crafty and want to try some new pastry type breakfast. This is probably because I am famished due to sleeping in. This past weekend I decided to tackle popovers and since I opened the fridge and blueberries were staring me in the face, I decided to let them swim in the batter. These are super easy, but make you look like you did something super hard. I am not sure what would happen to this mixture if you decided to put it in muffin pans versus a popover pan, but if you don't have a popover pan, I would suggest getting one because popovers are fun and cute and I like watching them come alive in the oven.

Add 1/2 cup milk, 1/2 cup flour, 1 tbsp melted butter, a pinch of salt, a sprinkle of cinnamon and a sprinkle of vanilla to your mixer. If you like, you can use a hand mixer or if you have a large measuring bowl, mix your ingredients right into it because it will be easier to transfer the mix to your popover pan. Do not over-mix your ingredients, a few lumps are perfectly acceptable. The more you mix, the less they will pop. The mixture will be quite liquidy so be careful not to add more flour. 


If you choose to add blueberries or anything else to your popovers, add them in equal amounts to each cup. I chose to use 4 blueberries per popover. Fill the cups 2/3 of the way full into a greased, buttered, or Pam'd popover pan. While you are mixing your ingredients together, put your oven on 450 degrees. When the pan is ready, go ahead and put it in the oven even if it is has not yet pre-heated. After 15 minutes, lower your temperature to 350 degrees and cook for another 15 minutes. DO NOT OPEN THE OVEN DOOR!!! This will let the air into the oven and deflate the popovers. If you feel that you must look at them (like me) turn on the oven light and take a quick peek. 

Adding blueberries

Serve piping hot. I added homemade peach jelly to mine. They are light and dense on the inside and crunchy on the outside. 

Hot out of the oven!

Top of the muffin to you! 

My recipe makes three popovers, so if you want to feed more people, or have seconds, thirds, or fourths, you may want to double or even triple this.

Blueberry Popovers (you can omit the fruit, or add a different kind, or add Gruyère cheese, or bacon, or chocolate chips, or sugar, or leave them plain. The canvas is yours! 

1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup flour
1 tbsp melted butter
Pinch of salt
A sprinkle of cinnamon (I don't measure this, but I would estimate this is probably about a teaspoon full)
Vanilla extract (this is something else that I do not measure, but this is probably about 1/2 teaspoon full)

If you choose to leave your popovers plain, you may also want to omit the cinnamon and vanilla.Pin It

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