Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Lamb Chops

After four fabulous days with my best friend visiting me, I wanted to make something a little on the healthier side because we ate out all weekend. I really love lamb chops. They are delicious, but a bit on the pricey side so we don't have them too terribly often. For $13 I got three small chops which fed one each for my husband and I and he had one for lunch the next day. However, if we had been starving, we would have walked away hungry unless you load up on the sides. I don't have a true lamb chop recipe that I use so I just improvise when I make them. I decided to cook mine in a skillet drizzled with olive oil, but you could also put them in the oven or on a grill.

My cut of meat
I decided to season my chops on both sides with a dash of Kosher salt, cracked pepper, paprika, basil, and oregano.

My spices

Seasoned chops awaiting their oil bath
I left my heat on 5 because these chops were on the thicker side so they take longer to cook and you don't want your outsides to burn while waiting for your insides to brown. I put a lid on mine for half of the cooking process and turned them about every 5 minutes.

You will want to make sure the sides get cooked so stand each end up and rotate them until they brown.

The finished chop! Looking at this photo makes me wish I would have 'accidentally forgotten' to give this to my husband for his lunch! 

I cooked my lamb slightly rarer than I normally do and they were delicious and juicy. There was a slight hint of pink on the inside, but not much. They were in the skillet for about 30 minutes total. You could always add a pesto with this, or a balsamic reduction sauce, I think even BBQ would be good. If you have never had lamb, it is hard to describe the taste, however, chances are if you like beef, you will also like lamb.

I served the chops with the salad I introduced you to in my Tagliata with Arugula-Herb Sauce post. All that's in it is romaine lettuce, an apple cut up into squares (I like one apple per heart of romaine, you can also sub another fruit), craisins, and pistachios. I have also used walnuts and pecans in this salad and they are equally delicious. It is also good with feta cheese crumbles and bacon.

Thanks for reading and Enjoy!!Pin It

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